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  • Writer's pictureJonathan

It's not XXX it's Four-X Minus Two-X: The Erasure of Certain Colonial Practices in Eurogames

Jonathan here, I recall playing a game called Concordia a number of years ago (Concordia is a game where you play as a merchant family during the Roman Empire) where I said, much to the discomfort of my fellow gamers something like this, "This game is just a four X game eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, & eXterminate) that buried or ignores the eXploration & eXtermination elements & really pushes the other two. The article below

One other thing, the one time I played Puerto Rico the 'worker' cubes were dark brown. I mentioned this to the people around the table and one of them said, "Yeah..."

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